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Winning GrowFL and Hosting I-MEC 2023

2023 started out with some great news: my first company, Micro-Ant, was recognized as one of the top 50 growing companies of Florida by GrowFL. Its been a 20 year journey from my basement to having a world-class operation that is well known in the industry. Through all the challenges that Micro-Ant encountered, I've always focused on the people we employed. They reminded me how valuable it is to be able to provide jobs that are enjoyable and sustainable.

In receiving the award, I realized how we've come and that we're part of a community of similarly sized, growing manufacturing companies in North Florida. In 2022 Micro-Ant hosted the Inventor Manufacturer Entrepreneurship Convention (I-MEC) for the first time. We attracted over 35 participants including our customers, suppliers, and local businesses. This year, we've decided to continue the event but now with partnership and promotion by GrowFL and other local organizations that support manufacturing and entrepreneurship. Its official: I-MEC 2023 will be held on July 26th and 27th at our Jacksonville facilities. We will focus on Talent and Culture, Leadership Transitions and Operational Excellence.

Tune in for more details.


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